Improve Your SEO Through Blogs in 8 Simple Steps

DeanM on February 5, 2020 at 9:12 am


Almost every company seems to have a blog these days but very few are actually utilising their blogs in a way that maximises SEO results and getting all the benefits they could be. This blog aims to give you eight easy ways to improve your visibility, traffic and business. Create a Great Name Work your […]

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Filed Under: Blog, Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media

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Customer Reviews

DeanM on January 20, 2020 at 10:45 am


Customer feedback has always been an important part of any business but thanks to social media, it is more visible than ever. This means the potential impact of both positive and negative reviews has been taken to a whole new level. It’s important for modern businesses to take advantage and use this in their existing […]

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Filed Under: Blog, Online Business, Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media

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Writing Content that Search Engines Love

DeanM on January 14, 2020 at 1:40 pm


If you’re looking for content strategy that works, it’s important both your target audience and search engines love it. A lot of marketers try to focus content on writing for search engines, which results in content that isn’t helpful or interesting. This alienates the people looking at the site and search engine algorithms are sophisticated […]

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Filed Under: Blog, Content Writing, Online Business, Search Engine Optimisation

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SEO Strategy Guide: Beat Your Competition

DeanM on January 3, 2020 at 1:16 pm


There are three major things your website requires to outrank your competition: the best content you can produce, a great distribution plan, great site optimisation. When you look almost anything up on google, you’ll be met with hundreds of millions of results. Google digs through this content and finds the most useful so the first […]

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Filed Under: Blog, Content Writing, Online Business, Search Engine Optimisation

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Why mobile friendly sites are important

Why mobile friendly sites are important

DeanM on December 16, 2019 at 11:21 am


The benefits of mobile friendly sites cannot be overstated. More people than ever before use their mobile devices or tablets as their primary way to access the internet. Almost 50% of purchases made online in 2019 are made using a mobile device. That’s a huge number of people that you could be shutting out of […]

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Filed Under: Blog, Business, Search Engine Optimisation

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