Cess Macamay on December 6, 2022 at 5:31 pm
DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGIES TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS ONLINE With a myriad of advertising channels and digital marketing tools on the web today, you might not think it is still appropriate to consider emails and newsletters as digital assets. Sadly, you’d be wrong – good old email marketing is still an effective communication channel if you follow a few simple ideas that remain consistent with the rest of your onlinemarketing strategy. What is a newsletter? A newsletter, which we can also call email marketing or direct email marketing is web content sent […]
Filed Under: Blog, Brand, Business, Content Writing, Digital Marketing, Online Business, Online Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media, Uncategorised
Tagged With: Ads, digital marketing, email marketing, Google, newsletter, Sales, SEO, Social Media
Make the most of Black Friday
Cess Macamay on November 15, 2022 at 4:16 pm
Black Friday Digital Marketing Strategies & Tips The busiest online shopping weekend of the year is upon us – the Black Friday & Cyber Monday rush is among the most important time of the year for online stores. eCommerce and online businesses only have a short window of time to entice shoppers to take advantage […]
Filed Under: Blog, Brand, Business, Content Writing, Digital Marketing, Ecommerce, Online Business, Online Marketing, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media, Website Design
Tagged With: Ads, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, digital marketing, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Keywords, Mobile, Online Marketing, Sales, SEO, Social Media
Cess Macamay on March 23, 2022 at 2:54 pm
All online businesses, especially small to medium-sized ones, can benefit from a welcome boost in advertising with PPC (Pay Per Click) marketing campaigns. A successful PPC marketing campaign can yield greater interactions and profits in a shorter time than many other online or local marketing campaigns. It is the ideal method for fast, quality traffic […]
Filed Under: Blog, Brand, Business, Content Writing, Digital Marketing, Ecommerce, Online Business, Online Marketing, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media, Website Design
Tagged With: Content, Content Marketing, customers, digital marketing, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Keywords, Local Marketing, Mobile, PPC, PPC Campaign, Reviews, Sales, SEO
Cess Macamay on March 16, 2022 at 2:34 pm
THE ART OF BEING A SOCIAL (MEDIA) BUTTERFLY From big brands to start-ups, every business at some point will embark on a social media campaign, no matter how big or small. And, It’s impossible to have a digital strategy without mentioning “social networks”- from Facebook to Instagram, Twitter to YouTube, one thing is for sure; […]
Filed Under: Blog, Brand, Business, Content Writing, Digital Marketing, Ecommerce, Online Business, Online Marketing, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media, Uncategorised, Website Design
Tagged With: Ads, Boost Post, Content, customers, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Keywords, Mobile, Reviews, Sales, SEO, Social Media Post
30,000 Website Hacks Every Day
Cess Macamay on March 2, 2022 at 1:03 pm
How do you protect your website? It’s easy to assume that no one would be interested in hacking your website if you run a small or medium-sized business. Afterall, the majority of hackers do, in fact, target huge corporations or government entities. However, any website can be hacked into in a variety of ways, and […]
Filed Under: Blog, Brand, Business, Content Writing, Digital Marketing, Ecommerce, Online Business, Online Marketing, Pay Per Click, Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media, Website Design
Tagged With: Business, Hack, Hack Prevention, SEO, Site Update, Web Apps, WebCare, Website, Website Fix, Website Protection, Website Security
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